Words from Pastuch Family

Dear Mr. Read,

Thank you, Thank you, and Thank you!

Those words do not begin to cover all that was done for this Korean Veteran on August 1, 2015, as the Brazoria County Cavalry, lead by the Wild Peach Fire Dept. all made their way down CR 361 sirens blaring and lights flashing… to honor this 84 yr old for his service to our country. This was a birthday celebration too.

What your organization does is so heart felt as could be seen through everyone’s tears, as well as those of our recipient.

What you gave this sweet man was such respect through your arrival, the presentation itself, including gifts presented by the Cavalry to Mr. Matusek.

God Bless your organization for all you have done and are doing…What you do in each event is so very special.

I know my husband Chris and I plan to be there in February for the anniversary of the Calvary and to participate. Chris is a participating member of the BCC!

We experienced this group first hand in 2009 when our soldier Carissa Pastuch and her fiancee’ Charles Mink returned from Iraq and were honored by your organization at our home.

Once you experience this, you know you must spread the word and have others get to experience this great organization and see what all they do to recognize our veterans.

Again, God Bless you and our great Country!

Forever Grateful to the BCC!

Carol Pastuch