Words from a Vietnam Vet on Pena Honoring
Let me start off by saying “Thank You” once again to you Tracy & Dana, for believing in GOD
and taking the steps to pursue the vision to start “BCC”.
Without that, what took place this past Sunday would probably not have taken place.
Danny, let me say thank you to you also, for stepping out in faith and starting “MCC”.
What took place this past Sunday was a once in a lifetime event, and I am so honored to have
been able to participate in it. The emotions that was generated that day, I know how it affected me
being a veteran, but what was expressed and shown by non-veteran people was unbelievable.
I am very proud to be a member and to be able to hold a position in BCC & MCC
Again, a very sincere Thank You to all.
Vietnam Veteran
Gary Oltz