2/17/14 Honoring Jeff Jefferies

Sorry it took this long to send this.  I would like to thank everyone that was at my dads last ride home.  He would of have been honored to be there and see everyone that was there.  He was a great man and a great father and husband to my mom.  I will never get over lossing him. But I am so proud that y’all were there to send him of with that special touch.  I know I’m not good at writing things but I try.    Thank y’all with all my heart.  I am so proud that even after all the stuff about the flags that my friends chose to fly the flags in my fathers honor.  Y’all did a wonderful honor for my father,my mom and me.    I thank y’all again for the honor you showed my father on his last ride. Sincerely
Justin D Jeffries