8/28/13 Leslie Bryson Honoring Harold Clark


Gary, Jerry and all of the Cavalry did a marvelous job at Harold Clark’s funeral today. Unfortunately the service was a bit longer than expected, but the Cavalry never complained, never got restless and showed the decorum and dignity a fallen hero deserves. I was very proud to be a part of the organization as they helped me send my friend to his final rest. The family was very grateful and moved that total strangers would honor their father with so much respect.

What the Brazoria County Cavalry does is beyond priceless. Gary is in obvious pain, but you can see in his eyes what honoring these heroes’ means to him. Tracy, I have seen it in your eyes and many of the others in this organization. God bless all of you. You have each won your wings well before your time and we mere mortals cannot say thank you enough.

A speedy recovery to you my friend; there are more heroes to honor. Today we proudly honored one of mine. Cpl Harold Lester Clark, United States Army, Veteran of the big war, “The one me and Archy Bunker fought in.”, to quote him directly.

Leslie Bryson