8/20/13 Annette Brown Honoring Gerald Means

To ALL the wonderful members of the Brazoria County Cavalry,

I want to let you know how much I appreciate all the time and effort that you put into the ride that honored my brother, Gerald “Jerry” Means. It is so difficult to even make an attempt to express in words the feeling that is in our hearts. What you accomplish through your work in this organization is nothing short of amazing, awesome and spectacular!!! It was very obvious that an enormous amount of time and dedication is put into these rides. This was truly a day that will be remembered forever by our entire family.

I must include a very special word of appreciation for all the hard work that Susan Oltz did in preparing for this event! She dedicated many hours making sure everything was in place for a complete success! My family will be forever indebted to her for her work in this! She took an enormous amount of time with phone calls, emails and obtaining “props” to make sure this became a very memorable event! I can never thank her enough for her dedication!

Of course, I cannot pass up the opportunity to say a special “Thank You” to Tracy Read for being the founder of this wonderful organization here in Brazoria County! You have made sure that so many have been honored that would have otherwise gone unnoticed. I am sure this has pretty much absorbed you, and your precious wife’s entire lives. A simple “thank you” seems so minor in comparison to the countless hours you put into recognizing others. God will truly bless you for your dedication to all the military personnel that you have honored. Please accept our appreciation, love and prayers for what you do!

I suppose I will try to sum this all up by just saying “we THANK YOU, we APPRECIATE you and we LOVE each of you……more than you will ever know”!!!

Annette Hardesty-Brown
(Jerry Means’ Sister)