5/31/13 DAV Wayne Robertson

With the help of the Brazoria County Cavalry, a gentleman from the Bay City DAV, and everybody from Chapter 39 DAV we had a very successful day. We collected donations for Memorial Day at Wal-Mart in Lake Jackson, Stewarts in Brazoria, and I think Stewarts in Sweeny. (I didn’t spell that right did I) This has been the most successful day of collecting donations for the DAV that I have been associated with in my tenure with the Chapter 39 DAV. A very special thanks to Gary Oltz and Brazoria County Cavalry for their very gracious and much appreciated help. Please accept a heartfelt “Thank You” and a hand Salute for everything ya’ll did. And for everybody in Chapter 39 of the DAV, a hardy “Congratulations” for a job well done!
God Bless you all,
Wayne Robertson
Treasurer, Chapter 39 DAV