5-19-13 -David Peterson- Vietnam Vet

Brazoria County Cavalry,
I want to thank you guys for what you did for me. This was the first and only true welcome home I have ever received since my return from Viet Nam, 46 years ago.
It really wasn’t until the last ten or so years that I even realized that, we should have been recognized in some way or fashion or that something should have been said.
After 2 years in country, I flew back to Fort Hood Texas, reported in, and was placed on Kitchen Police the next morning. Even when finally assigned to an Infantry Unit on Fort Hood, no mention was ever made. Most guys came back and got out of the service. Since I stayed in, for several years, it was rare to run across another Returnee. I remember standing in inspection formations in my dress Greens and having more ribbons on my chest than the inspection officer. If anything, we felt resentment from the upper ranks and even our peers. It was after I had retired and was working on the 3M building in Austin Texas, I passed a fellow and he ask if the Army Field Jacket I was wearing, was mine. Since it had both my last unit patch and my combat unit patch on it, he shook my hand and said “Welcome Home”. I quickly thanked him and hurried off so he would not see the tears in my eyes. Tracy and Dana are to be commended for what you have done and continue to do for the Veterans in this county. Especially in light of the fact that neither of you are Veterans yourselves. To freely give of your time and energy to give thanks to those that otherwise would not have received them.
It’s an honor to be a part of your organization.
I salute you!
We love you both
First Sergeant
David & Sandra Peterson
US Army (Retired)