7/6/2012 – John-Henry Janse van Rensburg

I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart everyone from the Cavalry family for your support through the hardest day (week) of my life. Thank you all for attending my husbands funeral..for leading us to the cemetery. Although that day was to bury my husband…I wanted my children to see..to see all of you..and your support and respect for my husband..their father. I think my son will always remember how his daddy left this world that day..and how much he was loved by many people…and the respect that was shown on that Friday for my husband. And you all were a HUGE part in that..I can’t thank you enough!

On a personal note…we are going to be ok..I hate that it is without John-Henry..and this has changed my world in a way I never could have imagined. We are all still struggling…but, working through things. We have to get used to daddy not being here..fill our time with other things than we used to with him here. Our daughter talks about daddy all the time…our son..it’s taking him a bit longer to really open up. I think they both are worried about mommy “going away”. That crushes my heart that our children have this fear now. But, these two children of mine..keep me going..keep me sane and keep me from falling apart.
Thank you all so much again for being apart of that day. I love you all and God Bless each one of you and your families!

Jodi Janse van Rensburg