3/25/2012 – Heath & Jarrod Beaty and Saul Cantu II
It was greatly appreciated what the Brazoria County Cavalry did for my sons this past Sunday 3-25-12. My sons were very honored by the great acts of kindness you showed them. I also am humbled and honored for the recognition and rewards you bestowed on me. This will be a weekend my family will never forget and are grateful beyond words for what the Brazoria County Cavalry did for our boys. May our Almighty God richly bless you and guide you in everything you do. Jesus is faithful and rewards those who seek him. Jennifer and I are looking forward to seeing you again soon as we send off another son to the service of our great country in July. We love you and are praying for you daily until we meet again.
I Timothy 5:10
Jarrod and Jennifer Beaty
Josuhua 1:9