Terry Jensen 06/21/08

Thank you all so much for the honor you gave me yesterday (06/21/09). I really did not expect this. In all my years in music, I have literally performed for crowds up to ten thousand people and as little as one, but, the opportunity to honor our American Heroes through the Brazoria County Cavalry means more to me than most will ever know! I have personally never served in the Military, but God through His Word has instilled in me a love for this nation that my own words cannot express adequately, so, I use the Trumpet! Hopefully the small part that I play in honoring our American Heroes will make a difference in their lives. I do not ask for fame or fortune, just an opportunity to be used by God. I totally relish the moment and get pretty excited when I receive that call from Tracy and am asked, “hey Terry, what’s you’re schedule like…?” Anyway, I will wear the Bugler Pin proudly. Once again, thank you for the opportunity to help and May God Bless you, the Brazoria County Cavalry and especially America.

Brazoria County Cavalry Member,
Terry Jensen