Suzanne Ramirez – 5/2/09

I would like to take some time and thank the Brazoria County Cavalry. The inspiration and support they are giving the troops is amazing. Sometimes the servicemen and servicewomen wonder if their contributions really matter. The BCC takes their precious time and effort out of their days/lives to show us that it does matter. I cannot express in words how much I was touched on May 2, 2009. My family surprised/tricked me into the event. I do not have the luxury of sharing my military achievements with my family because they are so far away. This was a gift I will cherish for years to come. I am eternally grateful for the support and love shown by the BCC and the community. No amount of words could ever equate to what I was shown on that day. BCC has touched my heart and soul. Thank you from the depths of my heart.


Suzanne Ramirez