If you are planning on attending the One Year Anniversary and HAVE
NOT replied to this email previously with the number of guest that will
be attending with you, please do so by clicking reply.
Please, DO NOT reply back to this email if you have done so
American Heroes, Family and Friends,
Brazoria County Cavalry is inviting you to be present at
our One Year Anniversary ceremony. Please start making plans now for your
family and friends to attend this event. The ceremony will be held on Sunday Feb
1st 2009 at the Lake Jackson Civic Center. We will be saying thank
you to all of the families and supporters who have allowed Brazoria County
Cavalry to be a part of their lives, with a video slide show. This video slide
show will consist of some photos from each of the escorts/rides and events that
Brazoria County Cavalry have made over the past year. The ceremony will close
with the names of Fallen American Heroes from Brazoria County & Matagorda
County. Then we will have an open microphone to allow families and others that
would like to speak, to express what the support for our Heroes means to them.
Please help us get the word out to all of the families and friends of
these American Heroes, Military, Police Officers, Firefighters and EMT’s
of Brazoria County.
If you, your family and friends plan on attending the One Year
Anniversary please email us with the total number of guest you will be
bringing so we can have accurate seating.