One of the families that we visited is a soldier that
BCC honored in 2009. This will not be a sanctioned by BCC, but we
encourage you to participate.
This Saturday at 12:30 pm we will be meeting at the
Big Buc-cee's on 332 in Lake Jackson to deliver Toys to families of
Soldiers overseas. There are 2 families that we are delivering to,
1 in Lake Jackson and 1 in Angleton. Please join us to say thank
you to these families for what they sacrifice by having their loved one
away from home. There are a total of 10 children in these 2
families. We will be watching the kids open their gifts. If
you want to meet us at the 2nd staging, please feel free to join us.
Please invite other riders to come along with us to show support.
It is more impressive to have a lot of bikes and make a rumble for the
kids they love it.
NOTE: Brazoria County Cavalry members and others on
motorcycles or vehicles.